
Press trip with 3 journalists in October

In the end of October 2023, 3 Danish wine journalists went on a press trip to Ribera del Duero to visit some of the wineries, taste the different wines and experience the region.

The wine journalists were Anders Halskov Jensen from Gastromand, Martin Seymour from Jysk-fynske Medier, and Henrik Steen Andersen from Vinbladet.

The purpose of the press trip was to provide wine journalists with an opportunity to visit Ribera del Duero, where they could meet winemakers and stay up to date on trends and winemaking. By showing them the region, they can more easily communicate their impressions of the wines and history to the readers, audience, and followers.

During the 5 days, they visited the following wineries: Pesquera, Pingus, Comenge, Canónigos, Torres, Virtus, Altos de Ontañón, Viña Sastre, Felix Callejo, Dominio del àguila, Hnos Péres Pa, and Antidoto.

In total, the following results were made:

  • 2 articles in Vinbladet about Peter Sisseck.
  • 1 article in Jyskfynske Medier, more articles to follow.
  • 1 post on Instagram.
  • 5 stories on Instagram.
Ribera del Duero Press Trip with Journalists